Fruit flies
Make 10 to 12 holes into an old 1 liter plastic bottle or 3 holes on each side of 1 liter ice cream container, to allow flies to enter. Heat a small piece of metal to make the holes easily. Put a wire from the cover to suspend the bait. Secure the pheromone dispenser aligns with the entrance holes inside the trap. Make a rectangular opening into the lower part of the container for removing the flies caught. Half-fill the trap with soapy water. Put bait in the pheromone dispenser or suspend the pheromone capsule from the lid using string or wire. Close the container. Attach the trap to a bamboo or wooden stake or hang on branch of a tree. Place traps for different pests at least 3 meters apart. If traps are used for monitoring the pests, 2-3 traps are enough for 1 ha field.
Buy the pheromone that lures the pest you want to control. Always label the trap. The name of the species you are trapping, the date the bait was placed, and the name of the bait if you are using several. Change bait according to manufacturer's recommendation. Dispose properly the bait wrappers. The tiny amount of pheromone left near the traps will compete with your bait. Wash your hands between handling baits. Minute traces of other chemicals can render the baits completely ineffective. Always remove all captured adults during each visit. Discard them away from the field. Put live ones into a bucket with soap solution to drown.
Source: Skill Development of Farmers for Production of IPM inputs in IPM Seva Kendra
निमणे सुदारीत : 3/1/2020
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